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Why "Target everyone and hope for the best" Marketing Is A Sure-fire Way To Burn Your Ad Budget (And What To Do Instead)

Aug 6

2 min read



Spending money on ads is scary because you just don’t know if that money is coming back. And hopefully a lot more.

Spending money on ads without knowing if they'll bring in a single customer can be scarier than climbing a 50 story building with no harness. 

So let’s fix that and start with the first and biggest reason for why ads fail:

Stop Blasting Your Message Out To Anyone With A Pulse

Before anyone is going to fork out their hard-earned cash for what you're selling, you need to make them sit up and pay attention. And the cold, hard truth is, most businesses are boring as watching paint dry.

But here's the thing: even if you're selling the most boring thing in the world, the RIGHT customer is going be all over that like a fat kid in a sweet shop.

The key is figuring out who those people are and speaking directly to them.

Forget The Masses - Zero In On Your Dream Buyer

Instead of playing the numbers game and hoping you'll stumble across a few decent prospects, you have to get surgical. Meticulous. Precise. Dig deep and figure out EXACTLY who your perfect customer is.

What keeps them up at night? What secret desires are they hiding from their spouse? Once you know what makes them tick, you can craft an offer that'll have them whipping out their wallets faster than you can say "TAKE MY MONEY!".

Turn Dull-As-Dishwater Products Into Must-Have Marvels

Now, I know what you're thinking: "But my product is about as exciting as staring at a concrete wall! How the hell am I supposed to spruce that up?"

You have to find the angle that will make your ideal customer's ears perk up. Highlight the hidden benefits, tap into their emotions, make them feel like their life won't be complete without your service.

When you're laser-focused on your dream buyer, you don't need to blast the entire internet with your ads. You can get your message in front of the EXACT right people, without blowing your whole budget on dead ends.

So stop messing around with spray and pray marketing and start getting intimate with the customers who are practically BEGGING to throw money at you. Trust me, your ROI will thank you.

Get Started!


Aug 6

2 min read



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